Columbus Plant Therapy

Columbus Plant Therapy was started by Andi Yates, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from Columbus, Ohio. Born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. I love talking to Andi. Her mind is beautiful and so compassionate. Andi is incredibly understanding and I wanted to share her in my Discovering Tara Project because of what I believe she has to offer. Columbus Plant Therapy offers Plant Therapy classes and a plant of the month. Below I will post the plants of the month for all of 2023. Check her out!

Instagram: @cbusplanttherapy


Andi Yates is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from Columbus, Ohio. Born and raised in Indianapolis, IN, Andi spent her formative years under foot in many a midwest garden. During graduate school, she began developing horticultural therapy programs and hasn’t stopped since graduating with her masters in 2017. Whether she is working with indoor or outdoor plants, Andi helps people connect with the natural world to find Healing.


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