“I got this, I’m a boulder bro”

My Friend Becky

Becky lives right down the street from me in German Village. If this was a dating profile I would start by saying we enjoy long walks on the streets, coffee shops, and the Book Loft. Becky is an awesome climber and a great person to look up to. Her bouldering skills are on fire, V7’s I believe is the last one she just sent. To give you some perspective, when it comes to bouldering, I climb a V3 with a panic attack. Bouldering for me is terrifying. Constantly paranoid about breaking my knee on a bad fall. I don’t even begin to understand how she seems to not get in her head at all when she is bouldering. She inspires me to try more yet I still haven’t found a consistent bouldering schedule. There is something about being able to have another woman around when going on climbing trips. A kind of gentle understanding, and patience with encouragement and support. Not to say I don’t feel that with my other friends, there is just an added bonus when she is along for trips. The things I love about Becky is that she doesn’t seem to mind saying what her thoughts are. She just goes for it and that, for me, is comforting and also hilarious.


My Friend Winslow (Click Photo for More)


"Do Hard Things, Not Hard Drugs" (Click Photo for More)