“I’ve seen you do hard shit and this isn’t it”
My More Than A Friend Joey
Joey, my love. Joey and I met three years ago. Friends for 2 of those years and then started dating about a year ago. Joey absolutely amazes me with how hard he climbs for how much sugar he eats and Juul he smokes.He is also one of the most encouraging and patient people I have met. We all give him shit about how he likes Ice cream in his morning espresso. He plans his outfits for every occasion and always has to match. You will hear him on the wall and think he is panicking but that is just him practicing his deep breathing. On this trip he brought his mandolin but prefers the piano the most. The first time I met Joey a group of my now friends, then strangers, were all at a cabin in Kentucky. We went climbing and the route that we were heading up had a ledge where you could rest. Joey had Z clipped right before the lip (just ignore that term if you don’t know what it is) and started mumbling and swearing then heaved himself over the lip to spin around on his stomach and fix his clipping. We call this his beach whale move. Last year he was in the habit of keeping his figure eight knot tied in when he was done climbing and then pulling the rope to clean the route. The rope would get stuck at the top so someone would have to reclimb it to clean it. Joey cracks me up and has become much more than just a friend and climbing buddy. He reminds me to be patient and to breathe. One would think it's the other way around. His energy is grounding and calm, fun and relaxed. If you haven’t had the chance to be in his presence, when you do, it is truly a present.