Morning Walks

I took my camera with me on todays morning walk. I thought about what this area means to me. I love the gardens, I can tell how much time, love, and effort has been put into the earth. I love the brick that covers the side walks, roads, and most of the homes. Ezra loves the smells the other dogs leave as they walk by. I love looking at all the people taking moments out of their days to slow down and enjoy the same space.

One thing I don’t particularly love is the construction. The abruption of this joyous scenery. It has me wondering;

When will there be enough?

When will we simply just enjoy what we have built instead of wanting more? When will there be a moment where there isn’t an orange cone or a “Road Closed” sign? We will destroy ourselves by our greed for more. The location they are building seems to be another luxury apartment. Not a place that can actually contribute to the housing issue we see today. Instead, they feed into it. Contributing to higher rents just to put more money in the pockets of someone who already has enough. I am all for investing, I am all for people making the currency our society revolves around, but there is a time when the energy in that money is no longer happy. That is when greed takes over and turns that energy bad. I imagine that feels lonely.

For now, I am happy that I am where I am at. I may not have the currency to build a luxury apartment complex, but I know my money holds happy energy. I am happy with the amount of stuff I have. This serves as a reminder to me to enjoy this moment I am living in. To know that I do have everything I already need. That I have enough and more importantly;

That I am enough.

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Take a Lot


Something about a photo