Discovering Tara

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Something about a photo

There is something about a photo. They allow for space to be creative in many ways. Photography forces me to be in each moment I am in. They appeal to my desire for instant gratification. Editing the picture may not be instant, but the shutter and the time the picture takes to capture feels instant. My world is constantly moving quickly. The way I fill up my time, the amount of activities I do, how quickly time moves. With a picture, I can see the moments I am in, longer than intended. I can bring myself back to the feeling.

So for this next series of blog postings, I would like to document the photos I take. I want to share the photo and what that picture means to me. The feeling I had when in the moment the photo was taken. What memories or moments that picture reminds me of. Photos are a lot more than the initial picture we see. They are a memory, a piece of a day, a way to share how the person taking the picture sees the world.

This blog post is short, I had another blog post that I wrote and intended to publish. Tonight, this is what felt good to me. This is what I want to share with all of you, the way I see the world.

These blog posts will become more frequent with this type of style so make sure to keep an eye out for them!