Eco Friendly Sweat Resistant Water Bottle
Let’s get sweaty in the gym, outside, or in the studio. The silicone grip on this bottle is designed to keep hydration simple. After a hot yoga class, my bottles were really hot to the touch. Using this bottle changed my yoga practice. Now, I stay hydrated and carry this with me everywhere I go. With the Eco Friendly design and the sweat resistant silicone grip, I would recommend this to anyone.
Let’s get sweaty in the gym, outside, or in the studio. The silicone grip on this bottle is designed to keep hydration simple. After a hot yoga class, my bottles were really hot to the touch. Using this bottle changed my yoga practice. Now, I stay hydrated and carry this with me everywhere I go. With the Eco Friendly design and the sweat resistant silicone grip, I would recommend this to anyone.
Let’s get sweaty in the gym, outside, or in the studio. The silicone grip on this bottle is designed to keep hydration simple. After a hot yoga class, my bottles were really hot to the touch. Using this bottle changed my yoga practice. Now, I stay hydrated and carry this with me everywhere I go. With the Eco Friendly design and the sweat resistant silicone grip, I would recommend this to anyone.